Thursday, July 22, 2010

What If????????????

What if you're right
He was just another nice guy
What if you're right
What if it's true
They say the cross will only make a fool of you
And what if it's true

What if He takes His place in history
With all the prophets and the kings
Who taught us love, and came in peace
But then the story ends
What then

*But what if you're wrong
What if there's more
What if there's hope you never dreamed of hoping for
What if you jump
Just close your eyes
What if the arms that catch you, catch you by surprise
What if He's more than enough
What if it's love

What if you dig
Way down deeper than your simple-minded friends
What if you dig
What if you find
A thousand more unanswered questions down inside
That's all you find

What if you pick apart the logic
And begin to poke the holes
What if the crown of thorns is no more than folklore that must be told
And retold

'Cause you've been running as fast as you can
You've been looking for a place you can land
For so long
But what if you're wrong

What if you jump
Just close your eyes
What if the arms that catch you, catch you by surprise
What if He's more than enough
What if it's love

What if it's love

I must have listened to this song on repeat at least 5 times what a incredible thought.Especially for the secular world what if you choose to deny creation and a creator and spend a eterninty in complete seperation from God?
Something that has weighed heavily on my heart lately.I have been reading a book called One Heartbeat Away by Mark Cahill and this book is incredible at explaing in simple terms about evolution and its rival creation.It even goes as far as to quot famous scientists including Darwin who dosent even begin to fathem his own theroy on the big bang could be true.(I never knew that.)The book also discusses like this song what if you bet your entire life on their is no God and there really is where does that leave you.I got chills reading parts of this book the descibe people who have passed from this life into the other for seconds or minutes only to return either disappointed to be returning or relived to no longer be in the presence and amidts so much suffering.I pray one day my Little Josiah and baby ? will make the decision to follow Christ I long to see what a wonderful man of God he will be and also the man/woman of God this other child also will be.How exciting.!I also am slightly baffled I believe birth is probaly one of the most amazing things you can expierence and in some form everyone expirences it in life right.How much more incredible is creation and although we ALL expierence it so many people chose to not belive it ever happened.How sad.Such a amazing a beautiful thing God did and created and some people fail to give him credit.I for one think the veiw of a perfect sunset on a beach or a sunrise over snowy mountains almost echos the existance of such a awesome God that he has also given us free will to believe as we wish.Even if we chose to not believe in him and not to give him the praise and credit he truley deserves.

O LORD, how many are Your works! In wisdom You have made them all; the earth is full of Your possessions. There is the sea, great and broad, in which are swarms without number, animals both small and great. There the ships move along, and Leviathan, which You have formed to sport in it. They all wait for You to give them their food in due season. You give to them, they gather it up; You open Your hand, they are satisfied with good. You hide Your face, they are dismayed; You take away their spirit, they expire and return to their dust. You send forth Your Spirit, they are created; and You renew the face of the ground. Let the glory of the LORD endure forever; let the LORD be glad in His works; ... Psa 104:24-31.

How amazing a God I serve and how much more amazing the chance to serve him!I love you Lord!

Monday, July 12, 2010

teaching your children

Today has been a good day and a day of small tantrums for Josiah.To start with the good he slept well all night and he slept till like ten am today.Yay for me:)
He got up and we started our day well sid(his fave show) and breakfast the usual.As the day as wore on he seems slightly annoyed by my presence like I am keeping him from the most important things in life,Mom wont let me eat dirt or lick my fingers and play with light switches and plugs,she wont let me turn the tv on and off repeatedly his usual tantrums.But on to more exciting news he lately shows interest when others use the potty so mommy and daddy bought him one of his own,i know he is only 17 months spare me the lecture(not that u would give me one )the store clerk at Meijers already beat u to it he is too young boys dont potty train till they are almost 3 generally yadayada she told me it all believe me.I understand he is young and it wont happen overnight but if he is interested now I will cerantainly give it a shot especially since too soon we will have two children and I would love one of them to be diaper free:)Anyways HE did it his first potty in his potty I am so proud!makes me laugh that I feel this excited for his accoplishment but i do I feel as if it is just awesome!
Okay and a little more about the title of my blog,We have a neighbor on our street who has a young child who visits every so often and while she is very cute and generally very nice to Josiah today she is just pushing all his little buttons we went outside to play on the front porch with his chalk and lo and behold she is visiting.She wonders over and starts to color with Josiah too.Cute huh? well being the only child he is so far Josiah wants every color chalk she is using I tell him to share and usually he lets it go for a minute or so,anyways she procedes to throw his chalk thinking its funny to break the pieces he wants and then just leaves so I must deal with the tears.
Only to return a couple minutes later with a toy her family had loaned my son a few short nights ago that he loved,she tells him no little boy not to touch her toy.What?wait gets better yet.After taunting my 17 month old for about 10 miuntes (that felt as if a eternity)she goes back to the house and returns with a bike.Yes complete with big wheels and streamers and all, and rides it up and down our driveway all the while telling Me to make Josiah stop following her,Now I understand she is but 4 or so but That was all I could handle I turn to her and said he can follow you anywhere he wants this is his driveway.seriously how can i teach my son to share and be kind if others dont persistantly do the same,and make sure their children are well behaved I do understand its not always mom and dads fault but sometimes it is..any ways that is my rant I guess you can see why we are indoors again and I am venting to a computer as apposed to playing outtside on such a beautiful day God grant me patience today and help me to raise my children to be kind and poite and caring children.Please so some other mom does not get frusterated at my chilren someday down the road.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

first day of July

I can't believe I have been out of the working world for a month.It is such a bizarre feeling to wake in the morning and no longer have to make the mad rush to dress myself and Josiah before running off to work.I love it more than my words can ever tell you and appreciate all the hard work Joss puts towards letting me stay home with Josiah! Josiah is growing so much so fast he has starting talking more his newest word is dog,well it comes out more like gog but we get the meaning when he says it and points to the black lab next door.
He is climbing too on sofas and beds and dressers and anything he can possible get himself up on top of, I guess this wil be our summer fun see what mommy can keep him off of.
He also has a new love sidewalk chalk this kid can spend hours coloring squiggles on the porch and sidewalk outside our house it is so cute.We have already been through 1 and a half packs in like 2 weeks. I am grateful for this though definatly a break from our favorite show sid the science kid,there is only so much of that show and the voices one grown up can handle.
Yesterday we visited mommys doctor for the first time,We are definatly having another baby:) today marks 9 weeks 5 days whitch means this baby is due on Josiahs 2nd birthday:)
funny huh?I was kinda unsure about wanting to go through all this again but the heartbeat and seeing the baby move around an wiggle one his/her own makes me pretty possitive this is what is supposed to happen for Joss and Josiah and Me right now.Children are such a blessing and I am going to try and not take this pregnancy for granted and at least try and slightly enjoy it,since i know God has truly blessed me and Joss with what some people try and pray for for years.
So Thank You God for My family for my wonderful cute husband and my beautiful Josiah and for this new life you have so graciously given to us!
May we never take for granted your love,life, salvation and all the many blessings you have given us,you are amazing and your deserve all the praise for all you do daily,I love you!