Monday, June 27, 2011

A blink of an eye

It happens in a blink a flash te time it takes to look back. Why today these words are so powerful to bring tears even up my eyes I am so fearful for the millions of people that that rapture and blink of our eye will leave behind. Yet daily what am I doing or as the song by revive says and almost feels as if it is god speaking to me and for me directly. "what have I done with my life?" where do I even begin LOrd show me where I can be useful help me proclaim your word so even one more soul might not be lost in the hopelessness that is the eternal punishment of hell help me be you to a lost and otherwise hopeless can I live each day this way so hardened or maybe just oblivious to the fact that you are coming and you are coming soon Oh dear God I do not want to see family and friends lost. I need direction clear direction from you God I need to know where you want me and what I am to do to serve you and this cause. You are gonna have all of me so use me and you see fit. I have wasted so Many years God that were yours and for that I am sorry I want to have that blink be awesome and not only for me but so many others I want you use me to reach this world help direct me,siting here typing I am lost for what that means for me and why I all the sudden tonight have such a urgency for this. Is this your gentle tug at my heart? Are you sharing your grief for lost souls with me. My heart my hands. My feet life is yours use it guide me cause I am confused where to begin. Matt 10:32 -33 but if anyone aknowledges me publicly I will acknowledge him before my father in heaven, but if anyone denies me here on earth I will deny that persona before my father in heaven.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

All together now!

So after the last hour of copy and paste and trying to find the picture originally on each post I am happy to say my blog is almost exactly how i wanted it all in one place.ahh I feel accomplished.Baby in bed toddler in bed and blog done for today!Now to catch some zzzz's before they wake me in the moring to repeat this game again.Thanks for your patience in my getting my act together!

I have to laugh

So I have apparently been blogging under multiple posts since I started blogging.I guess. I am not as tech savvy as I would love to believe. I will sometime soon begin the transfer over of all the other posts and date them what they originally were so they may all be included in this blog. I Am enjoying my boys as always lately and I am starting to really begin to stress less in my mommy journey so many things do not happen that I would like to from Josiah's birth till now but it is all beyond our control and if it does not affect the big scheme of my and the boys lives I am making it my goal to roll with the punches. So what my children will hopefully be able to learn as well is life is not always predictable and perfect. But that is okay.I the proud mother of a very happy two year old and a giggly happy 5month old. They really rock my world an I love that God blessed joss and and I and made us their parents. I am thrilled to report as well Josiah is beggining to come along slightly in the speech department as well. This past weekend he shocked me by saying "cookout" " thank you" and "ice cream" I was so proud.! Yay for speech!!!!
Also I am very blessed to also mention Gage is starting to really get rid of his flat spot pm his head,double yay after months of positioning and lots of tummy time it almost is perfectly round. Although I gonna say the discovery of the "bumbo" seat a little over a month ago deserves a lot of credit as well.the seat is amazing its formed of foam and he slides in perfectly and it helps him sit ip independantly and has since 3 1/2 months. So thank you bumbo!!!!!
God continually has blessed me and joss with good health and that joss is still employed and even on weeks his work is slow we still are grateful for all he does daily. God also has blessed my family and friends as well, as you may recall in a past blog my sadness for a friend who was not able to have a baby yet despite all their efforts and hard prayers.our god is faithful that beautiful baby blessing is due to make his much anticipated grand entrance on early November so please keepom dad and this little one in your prayers the family greatly would appreciate it. And one final note to leave with after all this talking today is a verse from the book of Jeremiah 29 verse 11 that is one of my fave's it says I know the plans I have for you,plans to give you a future and hope. So live with hope knowing God is totally in control of whatever you are dealing with and he loves you too.