Thursday, May 2, 2013

Fast metabolism diet . Did I eat today( d.i.e.t)

Hi guys today I really am excited to share with you all today my expirence ths far with the fast metabolism diet by haylie pomroy. I recieved this book for free from haylie pomroy and and I really have enjoyed reading it and starting to put it in place in my everyday life. Some of my main favorites about this book are 1: this diet is not about deprivation or starvation ( sure you are asked to give certain foods up for a alotted time, but it doesn't ask you never eat them again) 2: re I pies are included in the end portion of the book 3: it walks you throu the diet for vegan, gluten free and other special circumstances too:) 4: I love that it encourages eating organic when possible because I already feel so much better about not eating chemicals. And 5: it helps shed weight fast! I have done this diet pretty closely for about 1 1/2 weeks and already feel different ive lost a few pounds but I try not to weigh myself to often, but I truly feel healthier. Weight to me is a small factor in the big scene of how healthy I am! I do think haylie is on to something with this diet it's a "smart diet" in my opinion cause I really don't think it asks anything to unrealistic and all it asks is you follow the phases 1,2,and 3 and that you eat according to those for 28 days. 28 days to a healthier body really isn't much to ask, I mean that's less than a month! I loved that some of my favorite foods can be eaten on this diet like tuna and even have smoothies one of which their is a great recipie for on page 181. If you have been debating a lifestyle change Haylie pomroy's fast metabolism diet may be just what you need it keeps me feeling full and yet it's helping me gain control over my health my life and my metabolism! I can honestly say I am grateful to have been chosen as part of the group of bloggers to recieve a free copy from fastmetabolismdiet/and Shespeaks I have enjoyed reading and applying this diet to my every day life! Also for those tech savvy peopl out their their is a great app for iPhone/iPod/ipad to go along with this book and diet and help track you a little more too! Good luck and I hope to hear more success stories from the diet too! Comment below if you wanna share yours! I recieved a free copy from Shespeaks/fast metabolism diet however they did not tell me what to say my opinions are my own! Thanks for reading I will update my progress and pics from this diet at the end of my days:)good luck to all


  1. I enjoyed the book as well but didn't have the willpower to stick to the listed foods.

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