Monday, April 25, 2011

just another day

April 2011
As april draws to a close my baby turns 3 months old and tips the scale at 13 pounds!I couldnt be a happier mother because he seemed to be gaining so slowley since he was out of the hospital a month ago but 13 lbs means this little boy has gained a little over a pound since he visited the pediatrician one month ago on the 22!Yay he is on track to being a big boy,frusterating though the sleeping situation isnt any better. Gage was every mom's dream day 3 home from the hospital after birth he slept through the night for the first time and was continuing that pattern 90% of the time till he got bronciolitis in march, and now he is up once to twice a night to eat.Whitch may contribitute to the weight gain a bit i am not sure but I really hope he goes back to all night sleeping soon. Millestones seem harder with Gage knowing we are not having anymore, yesterday I witnessed him roll about 180 almost making it to his belly and I was so excited but yet kinda sad too cause that means he is getting big.I look foward to this baby stage being done yet I know I am gonna miss parts of it too, like how much they like me and daddy at this age and I know when they are older they wont always.oh well that is how God created us right to be born and grow older.I Thank you God everyday for two healthy young boys and my wonderful husband and for great family and friends. I am so close to some family I even consider them more friends than family MY sisters are awesome and most days I would rather spend time with them than any friends. I love them so much.
Yesterday was easter and I am reminded again why I serve such a incredible God.How you can sacrifice your perfect son for the sins of another is beyond what my brain can comprehend, and to allow the to endure so much for such sinful people too. Wow That is uncoditianal love for sure. I was thinking about it yesterday and knowing how sinful my boys will be as they grow the thought of giving them up to save anyone else is unreal and Gods son was perfect yet he willingly did so. What a Awesome God we serve. And i people everywhere celebrate Easter I wonder how many really celebrate the resurection of God's perfect Son, given for our sin and rose from the dead.Or are the celebrating what socity has made easter?Egg hunts and Pictures at the mall with a giant man in a furry costume who calls him self the easter bunny?Any thoughts?
No new incredible deals to report just plugging away at the old survey sites and opinion sites. What are you doing to earn extra cash or save money as the times grow tougher?
May God bless You all and I hope you all get some incredible deals and sahre them with me if they are good and I will be sure and pay it foward!!

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