Wednesday, April 27, 2011

originally wrote on april 27 2011

Why does everyone assume speech delay = problems ????
I am so frusterated today yet another person has suggested my beautiful little happy boy has a problem.I do not get why people assume he has such a big problem this child just turned two in January and already his dr and my friends and my husbands friends and practicly every single person I know has suggested there is a problem or compares him to other children younger than him who talk more fluently. I undertstand people my two year old is slightly delayed however this does not always equal autism or a bigger problem many children have speech delays and overcome them completely and maybe that is my sons case,I am the queen of negativity myself dont you think the bad thoughts have ocured to me already??seriously I want to cry so bad and I wanna have people understand me and this child who isnt able to tell people his feelings and thoughts yet.Just because he is delayed dosent mean he dosent understand you when you say there is something off about his not speaking or such.Please God grant me the patience to deal with such comments and handle them with Grace as If I hear another I may definatly loose my cool for sure MY beautiful little boy is just that a beautiful and perfect creation of your mighty hand and he is perfect the way he is,I pray you continue to build his vocabulary and help people keep their opinions to them self.
I cannot tell you how it thrills me to hear his voice as he speaks and how it worrys me that it is so limited however to everyone reading this and judging me for it, I have no control over what this child chooses to absorb or how soon he translates that to words he speaks on his own I understand your concern.BUt really who is more concerned than someone who spends 24 hours every single day with him really?Who do you think would rather see this child communicate?YOu who see him once every two or so months or me who spends each waking moment with him?PLease Pray for my child JUdge him and me not just say a prayer,Rachel

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